Incoloy 800H/HT

The principle difference between alloys 800H and 800HT® is the restricted aluminum and titanium content in 800HT, which results in higher creep and stress rupture properties.
Both alloy 800H and 800HT are generally considered to be superior to the base alloy 800 (UNS N08800) because of greater creep and stress rupture properties and a more restrictive C wt% range. Alloy 800H limits the C wt% from just 0.1% max in base alloy 800 to a 0.5% to 0.1% range. Alloy 800HT further controls this by limiting the C wt% to 0.6% to 0.1%. There are also limitations on the grain size for alloy 800 H/HT that are not in place for alloy 800.
- Chemical and Petrochemical Processing—process equipment for the production of ethylene, ethylene dichloride, acetic anhydride, ketene, nitric acid and oxy-alcohol
- Petroleum Refining—steam/hydrocarbon reformers and hydrodealkylation units
- Power Generation—steam super-heaters and high temperature heat exchangers in gas-cooled nuclear reactors, heat exchangers and piping systems in coal-fired power plants
- Thermal Processing Fixtures—radiant tubes, muffles, retorts and fixtures for heat-treating furnaces

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